Personal Learning: I was accepted into the doctoral program at OISE University of Toronto with a focus on curriculum development and teaching for the Fall of 2012. I declined admission at that time due to other responsibilities, however intend to seek readmission. Instead this year I have focused on creating my own Personal Learning Network. This network has developed over twitter, Zite, Flipboard, enrolling in a number of MOOCs( Massive Open Online Courses) and my own research into rural and remote nursing, rural health, and innovations in teaching and learning – specifically related to using technology.

Here is an example of the MOOcs I have either particpated in or “lurked” in:

Coursera info

I created this wordcloud to demonstrate my personal teaching and learning philosophy. I believe that all teaching and learning is collaborative. I believe that in nursing education we have a responsibility to educate nurses not just about tasks, but also about what it means to be a professional nurse. We need to demonstrate the behaviors we expect to see in our students and share with them ideas on how to be effective in practice. We need to ensure that they understand how to access the best evidence and use that in their practice. We also need to encourage reflexivity in practice by demonstrating it ourselves.

F:\eportfolio\wordcloud philosophy.xps

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